This past week was a busy one for us here at Rogue Brains. Let’s run down all the happenings:
Due to some tremendous support from the fine folks at CHIKARA and from all of you, we’ve now surpassed the 20,000 view mark on YouTube. This is a huge milestone for us, especially considering that we didn’t anticipate nearly this many views. We have a lot of interest in what we’re doing and cannot wait to show the world more.
This past week, we were interviewed by a pretty well known gaming publication. We are not at liberty to discuss which magazine it is, but Rudo Resurrection will have a piece written about it that will see print in August 2010. As we get closer to the release, we will be sure to let you all know which magazine to look out for.
On Saturday, May 22nd Rogue Brains attended CHIKARA’s Aniversario Zehn in Tyngsboro, MA. It was the first time the entire crew was able to attend an event all at once and it was an absolute blast. CHIKARA puts on a first class show each and every time and this was no exception. We got to meet up with some of the wrestlers to discuss Rudo Resurrection, horror movies, wrestling and which video games we’re currently playing. A big thanks goes out to Mike Quackenbush, Ophidian, Pinkie, our good friends in the Order of the Neo Solar Temple and the rest of the roster for putting on a heck of a show.
Social Networking Update: We currently have 112 Fans on Facebook and 41 Followers on Twitter. Thank you all for adding us and keeping up with the development of this game, however we won’t be content until we are just as big as Justin Bieber (whoever he is) and we would like your help to continue to grow our fanbase. If you know someone that would be interested in what we’re doing, go ahead and suggest that they follow us on their favorite social network. We have a fan page on and we are RogueBrains on .
Since a few of you are rocking the desktop wallpaper from last week, we figured we’d give you another option to choose from. Here is another wallpaper of the great and devious UltraMantis Black. This image is of him performing an incantation to resurrect the wrestlers from CHIKARA’s past, taken directly from the Rudo Resurrection trailer.

- 1600×1200

- 1280×1024

- 1280×853

- 1024×768

- 800×600
Thank you for the continued support. We’ll be back next week with another exciting update!
Posted on May 27th, 2010 @ 10:06 am |
“Look! It’s moving. It’s alive. It’s alive… It’s alive, it’s moving, it’s alive, it’s alive, it’s alive, it’s alive, IT’S ALIVE!”
Please, allow us to introduce ourselves. As you are probably more than aware by now, we are Rogue Brains. We are a newly formed creative collective that is hell bent on getting our creative, original, engaging, compelling content in front of the eyes of those that will appreciate it. It may be through Video Games, Comic Books, Music or other forms of media and most often than not, it will have a slightly demented twist to it.
Rogue Brains is indeed alive and kicking, emphasis on the kicking. We are still shaking the cobwebs out and getting used to our surrounding, but we wanted to take a few moments to drop our first blog on the world wide web. (does anyone even call it that anymore?) As most of you are aware by now, we are working on our first project entitled, Rudo Resurrection. We are incredibly excited to be working with CHIKARA Pro, and endeavor to deliver a top notch video game experience.
We will be dropping weekly updates to give you the dirt about what we’re working on and in addition to this introduction we wanted to leave you all with a new image to adorn your desktop. We know you’re all sick of having lolcats or your favorite pinup model wallpaper on your desktop, so go ahead and replace it with this dashing image of the Diabolical, Tyrannical, Totalitarian UltraMantis Black.

- 1600×1200

- 1280×1024

- 1024×768
Finally we would like to thank everyone for their support. Since we unveiled the Rudo Resurrection trailer in front of a live audience at King of Trios, we have been absolutely blown away by the fan response. We never expected such a groundswell of support and it only further motivates us to make a top notch game for all of you to enjoy. At the time that this blog is being written, we are nearing the 20,000 view mark on YouTube for the teaser trailer. That is absolutely incredible! Once again, thank you so much for the support and we look forward to updating you on further developments regarding Rudo Resurrection and future projects here at Rogue Brains.
Since social networking is all the rage these days, we would be remiss if we didn’t utilize it, so feel free to us on Facebook or us on Twitter.
-Rogue Brains
Posted on May 20th, 2010 @ 3:48 pm |