I know, I know what you’re all thinking, “Tell us something we don’t already know, or at least something that we can’t get on our own with a quick Google search!” We realize the news hasn’t been fast and furious yet but there is a reason for this; we are shrouding this project in secrecy. There are multiple reasons for doing so, the most important is that we really want to blow you away when do show you Rudo Resurrection. Here comes some more bad news: until we have a more polished game that is close to completion, we will not be showing it off. However, we do want to keep you in the loop and will be releasing information when the time is right. The production of a video game is much different than the booking a wrestling show. Most fans understand that a wrestling card is subject to change for a number of factors; injury, travel issues, miscommunication or someone could outright accept another booking without telling the other promoters. Whatever the reason, wrestling fans are usually very forgiving when it comes to changes in the card. Video Games on the other hand… well, the players aren’t quite as forgiving. If you promise feature X and feature Y and do not deliver them in the final version of the game, you typically get referred to as a liar and your integrity is called into question by the game playing community. We here at Rogue Brains have high hopes for this game and want to give you the best experience possible, so for now we will keep most of the features under our shroud of super secrecy. When we’ve locked them down and verified that they’ll be included we will absolutely let you know about them.
Now that we’ve given you a bit of insight into how we plan to release information about game mechanics, we will leave you with one little juicy tidbit of information. Below you will find a rough sketch of UltraMantis Black’s resurrected Dark Army. If you look hard enough, you will notice a ninth wrestler from CHIKARA’s past that was not included in the final version of the trailer. Even though he didn’t make the cut, he will be included in the game.
- Dark Army Concept Sketch
Next week, if things break right, we hope to have a little surprise for you. Check back next Thursday for more information. Thanks for reading!
-Rogue Brains